Ender's Game Wiki
SPOILER WARNING: Ender Quintet plot details follow.

The Formic Homeworld, also known as the Bugger Homeworld, was the home planet of the Formics.[2]



The surface of the planet in Ender's Game (Film).[1]

In Ender's Game (Film), the planet was shown to have an arid climate, with two moons. The surface of the planet had tall crystalline structures, which rose above the desert-like terrain beneath it. It was shown to have two small polar ice caps.[1]


Early History[]

Originally, the Formic homeworld was divided between rival and constantly warring nests, each controlled by a single Hive Queen, fighting against all of the others without any alliances. Even a newly hatched Queen would fight its own mother to the death. Formic civilization truly began when one mother Queen managed to coax its daughter into not fighting it, to put an end to the senseless slaughter and benefit from joining forces. Automatically, this made their faction stronger than all of the others, as no two queens had ever allied before. In turn, each of the new Queen's daughters convinced its own daughters into working together, until after several generations the descendants of that first forward-thinking Hive Queen had eliminated all of the other nests and spread across the planet.[3]

Thousands of years before Humans developed spacefaring capability,[4] the Formics expanded into the stars to colonize other planets. At first, they carved massive starships out of asteroids, like the Formic Ark. These ships were without an near-lightspeed drive, and thus took generations to reach their destination.[5]

Formic Wars[]


Ender Wiggin commanding the human fleet against the Formics.[1]

In the Third Formic War, the Formic homeworld was the site of the final battle between the Formics and the human fleet. During the conflict, Ender Wiggin destroyed the planet with the Molecular Disruption Device, killing all life on it and reducing the homeworld to its constituent molecules.[2]


One year after its destruction, an I.F. warship fleet sent as a follow-up if the main fleet had failed saw the planet's own gravity pulling its particles back towards itself, making a new, smaller planet about 80% of its original size. It was estimated to be reformed in 1,000 years, cool enough to explore in 10,000, and perhaps colonizable in about 100,000 years if humans seeded it with bacteria.[6]


  • The planet was noted by the Hive Queen of Shakespeare to not have any bird-like creatures, nor a dinosaur-like equivalent in the evolutionary history of the planet.[4]
  • In Ender's Game (Film), the planet was not reduced to molecules but simply had its surface obliterated.

    The destroyed surface of the planet in Ender's Game (Film).

